© 2020 Ally Gordon Coaching
My Top 10 Tips of How To Operate at Your Highest Level

Ally Gordon Coaching Blog

"Amidst all this chaos, how do I ensure I don't sink?"

Life operating at a senior level, can often feel completely out of control, throw in wanting to maintain personal relationships and some form of social life, you can often feel like a sinking ship.

These are my 10 Top Tips and reminders of how to operate at your highest level and stay afloat.

✅ Media consumption
Imagine you were in a room with a group of positive, high fliers doing brilliantly in life, looking healthy, were hugely optimistic about life and were your biggest cheerleaders AS OPPOSED to a group of pessimistic, negative people who only saw the crap things in life, were unhealthy and telling you your life was finished and it wasn't worth it - that's the media currently.

✅ Boundary setting
Be hyper aware of your boundaries with those around you. Surround yourself with positive, supportive, and smart people. Eliminate as much as you can other people’s negativity.

✅ Routine
Routine is a great anchor, own your diary before someone else does. I recommend Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod for setting up your morning.

✅ Exercise
Moving our bodies is fundamental to how we feel. The knock-on effect to looking after our health is we make better choices with our food and drink, and are just happier human beings.

✅ Booze
Try not to use it as a prop.

✅ Cold water therapy
Huge fan of a cold bath / shower in the morning to regulate the nervous system. My preference is the bath, I find the shower a little like little frozen daggers being fired at me first thing in the morning.

✅ Sleep
7 - 8 hours, try to have the same bedtime and wake up every day. No blue screen at least 1 hour before. No food 3 hours before if you can.

✅ Meditation
I have meditated for over 30 years, cannot recommend it highly enough. The "I have a busy brain" excuse is exactly why you should do it.

✅ Nutrition
Fresh fruit, vegetables, good carbs, good protein, high quality dairy, lots of water, green tea, limit booze. If you really want to get into it, Outlive by Peter Attia is a really deep dive into how you can optimise your longevity.

✅ Journaling
Use pen and paper, just write what is on your mind, you don't even have to be able to read after, the important thing is it's out of your head and on a piece of paper

Any other ideas I have missed?